Friday, October 7, 2011

1.       Name of the quadrangle: Beverly Hills Quadrangle    
2.       Names of the adjacent quadrangles:
 North: Van Nuys;  South: Venice;  East: Hollywood;  West: Topanga
3.       Year of the first creation: 1995
4.       Datum used: North American Datum of 1927 & National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5.       Scale:    1:24000
6.       a) 1200 meters    b) 1.92 miles   c) 2.64 inches   d) 12.5 centimeters
7.       Contour interval: 20 feet
8.       Approximate geographic coordinates in
a)      The Public Affairs Building: 118°26’19’’W  34°04’23’’N;  118.44°W  34.07°N
b)      The tip of Santa Monica Pier: 118°29’55’’W  34°00’35’’N;  118.50°W  34.01°N
c)       The Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir: 118°24’26’’W 34°07’11’’N;  118.41°W 34.12°N
9.       Approximate elevation in
a)      Greystone Mansion: 480 feet, 146 meters;
b)      Woodlawn Cemetery:  140feet, 42.7 meters;
c)       Crestwood Hills Park: 800 feet, 244 meters
10.   UTM zone 11
11.   UTM northing 3763000, easting 361400
12.   1000000 square meters in a cell
14.   The magnetic declination of the map is 14°
15.   Flow from South to North
16.   Campus map


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