Monday, October 31, 2011

Assignment 4: Introducing ArcMap

One of the potentials of ArcMap is that it enables the input of data using various formats. In this case the input format is geodatabase files (*.gdb). Data is stored in a clear format and other people can access database via different kinds of software. On the other hand, ArcMap has many output formats also. Maps can be printed, saved as map files (*.mxd), or exported as graphic files (*.gif, *.jpg).

Moreover, the ArcMap environment has a clear layout of functions so that people  can easily edit both data and geographic features. For instance, we can edit data just as easy as using Microsoft Excel; we may do calculations with the data; it is also possible for us to draw maps perfectly in detail.

In addition, ArcMap relates data to geographic representations. After the data being edited, features will be updated immediately. It is also possible for us to output data in forms of tables and graphs.

ArcMap does not have serious pitfalls actually, but it requires people using this software some knowledge of basic computer skills and some fundamental ideas of GIS. People without those skills may find it hard to access ArcMap.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Assignment 3: Neogeography

As we can see, neogeography, which implies that everyone can create and access maps for personal uses, has become a common phenomenon in recent years. Neogeography brings certain merits. People are able to personalize their own maps, plan their trip on the maps and record their experience on the maps. Moreover, Web 2.0 makes things easier for people to share their self-made maps online. It enhances people's awareness of geographic knowledge, uses and techniques.

In contrast,  neogeography also brings demerits. People can create and publish maps based on their own opinion. In other words, maps published in this way can be misleading and untrue. For example, some firms publish maps online or on TV, which hide some weaknesses and overly emphasize on the strength of      their product. Consumers will find it hard to distinguish between truth and untruth.

View Distribution of Automobile Industry 2010 in a larger map

Friday, October 7, 2011

1.       Name of the quadrangle: Beverly Hills Quadrangle    
2.       Names of the adjacent quadrangles:
 North: Van Nuys;  South: Venice;  East: Hollywood;  West: Topanga
3.       Year of the first creation: 1995
4.       Datum used: North American Datum of 1927 & National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5.       Scale:    1:24000
6.       a) 1200 meters    b) 1.92 miles   c) 2.64 inches   d) 12.5 centimeters
7.       Contour interval: 20 feet
8.       Approximate geographic coordinates in
a)      The Public Affairs Building: 118°26’19’’W  34°04’23’’N;  118.44°W  34.07°N
b)      The tip of Santa Monica Pier: 118°29’55’’W  34°00’35’’N;  118.50°W  34.01°N
c)       The Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir: 118°24’26’’W 34°07’11’’N;  118.41°W 34.12°N
9.       Approximate elevation in
a)      Greystone Mansion: 480 feet, 146 meters;
b)      Woodlawn Cemetery:  140feet, 42.7 meters;
c)       Crestwood Hills Park: 800 feet, 244 meters
10.   UTM zone 11
11.   UTM northing 3763000, easting 361400
12.   1000000 square meters in a cell
14.   The magnetic declination of the map is 14°
15.   Flow from South to North
16.   Campus map